Maintenance does not mean just the replacement of filters – it is a part of general care.

In addition to filter replacement, maintenance means the check-up and cleaning of the external air vent, fresh air chambers, device valves, mixing parts, and heat exchangers.

Maintenance also means the check-up and replacement of frost protection devices, air humidifiers, measurement and ventilator parts, bearings and straps according to need – additionally it means the check-up of pumps, compressors, drives, electrical wires, and automatics.

Thus maintenance works are pretty large-scale and inept maintenance can cause major damage to the client’s ventilation devices. In order for ventilation maintenance to be on the required quality level, we recommend using professionals in this field.



Finhol Blue OÜ
Aardla 23e
Tartu 50110
+372 5817 1717

Partner in Finland

Trakeen Oy
040 683 6800